Proposal to
for Brand Consulting & Creative Services
The Situation:
WizCal (Wizcal.me) is the name and URL for a subscription software service that automates the coordination of calendars so that meetings can be efficiently scheduled. Currently this activity requires the time of a CEO's administrative assistant (for example), constantly contacting employees and working with their very busy calendars to set meeting times and availability. Wizcal promises to revolutionize this process and free up administrative time for more productive endeavors.
We recommend not launching with your current name for a few good reasons. First it sounds old, circa 1995, not like the latest technology. The dot me url is not business like and suggests a personal service or even dating calendar. We strongly recommend finding a dot com name, to show that you are a credible business and product, it's what is expected of serious players.
Name: The single most important piece of your brand. It tells your market who you are, what you do, and that you are an innovative leader in your area of business.
We will create a list of searched and available dot com names for review and develop a short list to be presented to the team for final name selection. If no name is approved we will go back to work and present more candidates.
Brand/Product Consultation & Research
- Brand Promise: A brand promise is the statement that you make to customers that identifies what they should expect for all interactions with your people, products, services and company. It is often associated with the company name and/or logo.
- Brand Story: A brand story is more than content and a narrative. The story goes beyond what’s written in the copy on a website, the text in a brochure or the presentation used to pitch to investors or customers. Your story isn’t just what you tell people it’s also what they believe about you based on the signals your brand sends. The story is a complete picture made up of facts, feelings and interpretations, which means that part of your story isn’t even told by you.
- Brand Personality: Brand personality is a set of human characteristics that are attributed to a brand name. A brand personality is something to which the consumer can relate, and an effective brand will increase its brand equity by having a consistent set of traits. This is the added-value that a brand gains, aside from its functional benefits. There are five main types of brand personalities: excitement, sincerity, ruggedness, competence and sophistication.
- Messaging/Positioning Statements
- Research: as required for competitive analysis, marketing intel
Logo Design Process/Timeline
- Initial rough design presentation of various graphic options: 2 weeks
- Presentation of Round 2 of design if no candidate(s) are selected for refinement from Round 1: 1week
- Selection of finalist(s) for refinement, font selection, colors: 1 week
- Creation of logo master art saved in various file formats: 1 week
- Fee includes email signature creation/business card design and production
Slogan: A simple and catchy phrase used with the logo that encapsulates or mission making it more memorable. And which (when used consistently) becomes and important component of its identification and image.
Emailer Design/Copywriting
Website Process
- Template selection: will present three template options to choose from
- Home page: will present home page mockups based on selection of template with logo, copy and images in place
- Content pages: will present design with images in place based on Home page selection
- Production will begin based on approvals of above.
- Project will be frequently reviewed by client for refinements, changes, additions
- One round of revisions included, refinements or corrections can and will be ongoing
- Copywriting or copy editing not included, will be estimated as neede
- Product Features/Benefits
- Sales Video ( Production costs TBD)
Fee Range:
$17,500 to $23,250
Price Breakout:
- Name: $2500
- Logo: $3500
- Slogan: $1250
- Positioning / Messaging: $3500 / $5000
- Emailer creation: $1750 / $2000
- Website: $3500 / $5500
- Video: $1500 / $3500